Monday, January 19, 2015


A personal value system is the principles or ideas that guide our behavior, that defines our character.
It makes us understand what we are and what is good and bad for us. If we are unaware of our own values, we end up doing things instantly without proper reasoning and thus suffer due to irresponsible decision making.
" Values define our character." Character is the final output which takes us forward in any particular direction, that we choose to take up in our lives. So in order to build up a good character in general and a happy and contented life in particular , its very essential to set up our own principles or values in life; that is what we say as having "a personal value system."
A personal value system can be divided into many categories according to our wish. But more important among these are the personal values and the spiritual values.
Personal values refer to the principles that we frame for ourselves to live in a society; with family, friends, acquaintances,etc as well as for our careers and work places. Personal values are simply the traits we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our character, in the above mentioned cases.
Spiritual values connect us to things which are not materialistic, but to a higher or superior power that guides us whenever we feel distracted. It could be God for some and conscience for others. These values can tell us what is wrong and what is right for us. 
Moreover there are few values which are very essential and desirable these days in the present changing materialistic society; such as, integrity, respect, loyalty and accountability. These four things along with proper knowledge or education, builds up our character, which again is the most impotant part of our existence. 
Values determine our action preferences and priorities. Every choice we make or action we perform has its own good as well as bad consequences. So the best way to judge what is right and what is wrong and to face both the choices and their consequences is by constantly examining our own value system. Having a proper personal value system is not only important for our personal lives, but also it is very much required for a successful career and its growth.
No matter what values we choose to adopt in our lives, but knowing about its importance and following them on daily basis is highly recommended to all the readers of this article, especially to the college going students.

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